Signature with Title, Name and Date
Static text that can be added to a contract to autoplace a signature block, with an optional title, name and the date.
A signature block with name, title, date input fields
Static text that can be added to a contract to autoplace a signature block, with an optional title, name and the date.
"--------" ""
Title: "Title" ""
Full name: "Full Name" ""
Date signed: "Date Signed" ""
"--------" ""
**Title:** "Title" ""
**Full name:** "Full Name" ""
**Date signed:** "Date Signed" ""
{{signature}} {{signatory}}
**Title:** {{title}} {{signatory}}
**Full name:** {{fullName}} {{signatory}}
**Date signed:** {{dateSigned}} {{signatory}}
"$class": "org.accordproject.signature.tnd.TitleNameDateSignatureBlock",
"title": "Title",
"signature": "--------",
"fullName": "Full Name",
"dateSigned": "Date Signed",
"signatory": "",
"clauseId": "aae460f9-5476-4d9f-ba28-726103143195"
namespace org.accordproject.signature.tnd
import org.accordproject.cicero.contract.* from
import org.accordproject.cicero.runtime.* from
import org.accordproject.signature.block.SignatureClause from
* A detailed signature block, configured to render to PDF
* in white, and with all variables read-only in the Web editor
asset TitleNameDateSignatureBlock extends SignatureClause {
@DocuSignTab("type", "Title", "optional", true)
@Pdf("style", "background")
@ContractEditor("readOnly", true,
"fontFamily", "Lucida Console, Courier, monospace",
"backgroundColor", "#FAE094", "border", '#CCA855' )
@FormEditor("hide", true)
o String title
@DocuSignTab("type", "SignHere")
@Pdf("style", "background")
@ContractEditor("readOnly", true,
"fontFamily", "Lucida Console, Courier, monospace",
"backgroundColor", "#FAE094", "border", '#CCA855' )
@FormEditor("hide", true)
o String signature
@DocuSignTab("type", "FullName")
@Pdf("style", "background")
@ContractEditor("readOnly", true,
"fontFamily", "Lucida Console, Courier, monospace",
"backgroundColor", "#FAE094", "border", '#CCA855' )
@FormEditor("hide", true)
o String fullName
@DocuSignTab("type", "DateSigned")
@Pdf("style", "background")
@ContractEditor("readOnly", true,
"fontFamily", "Lucida Console, Courier, monospace",
"backgroundColor", "#FAE094", "border", '#CCA855' )
@FormEditor("hide", true)
o String dateSigned
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Type | Sample JSON |
Type | Sample JSON |
Type | Sample JSON |
Type | Sample JSON |
Please refer to the Cicero documentation for details and examples of how to integrate a call to a Cicero template into your application.
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