This is a template to gather high-level information about a project.
Gather project information
This is a template to gather high-level information about a project.
Name: "Katahdin"
Name or code name for your project.
Deadline: 01/01/2021
The due date for deliverying the project (MM/DD/YYYY).
Budget: 0.00 USD
Enter 0.00 if no budget has been assigned, or you'd rather not say at this stage.
Description: "Ensure that signed contract terms are stored in Salesforce"
A brief description of the problem you are trying to solve.
Other information: "I don't work on a Friday."
Is there anything else we should be aware of to make our first meeting as efficient as possible?
Name: "Katahdin"\
_Name or code name for your project._
Deadline: 01/01/2021\
_The due date for deliverying the project (MM/DD/YYYY)._
Budget: 0.00 USD\
_Enter 0.00 if no budget has been assigned, or you'd rather not say at this stage._
Description: "Ensure that signed contract terms are stored in Salesforce"\
_A brief description of the problem you are trying to solve._
Other information: "I don't work on a Friday."\
_Is there anything else we should be aware of to make our first meeting as efficient as possible?_
Name: {{name}}\
_Name or code name for your project._
Deadline: {{deadline}}\
_The due date for deliverying the project (MM/DD/YYYY)._
Budget: {{budget}}\
_Enter 0.00 if no budget has been assigned, or you'd rather not say at this stage._
Description: {{description}}\
_A brief description of the problem you are trying to solve._
Other information: {{other}}\
_Is there anything else we should be aware of to make our first meeting as efficient as possible?_
"$class": "org.accordproject.projectinformation.ProjectInformation",
"name": "Katahdin",
"deadline": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"budget": {
"$class": "",
"doubleValue": 0,
"currencyCode": "USD"
"description": "Ensure that signed contract terms are stored in Salesforce",
"other": "I don't work on a Friday.",
"clauseId": "fb7c4da0-437a-48ee-bcfc-b60196aab9d0"
namespace org.accordproject.projectinformation
import org.accordproject.cicero.contract.* from
import org.accordproject.cicero.runtime.* from
import from
asset ProjectInformation extends AccordClause {
o String name
o DateTime deadline
o MonetaryAmount budget
o String description
o String other
Find the full logic for this template on on GitHub.
Type | Sample JSON |
Type | Sample JSON |
Type | Sample JSON |
Type | Sample JSON |
Please refer to the Cicero documentation for details and examples of how to integrate a call to a Cicero template into your application.
View the Latest code for this template on GitHub.