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Template helloworld@0.10.0

Clause ^0.12.0 8a8ad2e502b5156e6eeb0ff364e8a88dc460cd18a817bda4592b14c54a87c891

This is the Hello World of Accord Project Templates. Executing the clause will simply echo back the text that occurs after the string `Hello` prepended to text that is passed in the request.

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Hello World

This is the Hello World of Accord Project Templates. Executing the clause will simply echo back the text that occurs after the string Hello prepended to text that is passed in the request.


Name of the person to greet: "Fred Blogs".
Thank you!

Model Dependencies

Technical Integration

Please refer to the Cicero documentation for details and examples of how to integrate a call to a Cicero template into your application.

View the Latest code for this template on on GitHub.

Sample Instance

    "$class": "org.accordproject.helloworld.HelloWorldClause",
    "clauseId": "b8f1caca-71d3-45c2-93ed-1322fcbaed5c",
    "name": "Fred Blogs"

State Types

Type Sample JSON
    "$class": "org.accordproject.cicero.contract.AccordContractState",
    "stateId": "c850e2f0-575d-11e9-9ffa-db0629e5d319"

Request Types

Type Sample JSON
    "$class": "org.accordproject.helloworld.MyRequest",
    "input": "Mollit.",
    "transactionId": "c850bbe0-575d-11e9-9ffa-db0629e5d319",
    "timestamp": "2019-04-05T00:46:31.582-04:00"

Response Types

Type Sample JSON
    "$class": "org.accordproject.helloworld.MyResponse",
    "output": "Irure sunt non nulla.",
    "transactionId": "c850bbe1-575d-11e9-9ffa-db0629e5d319",
    "timestamp": "2019-04-05T00:46:31.582-04:00"

Events Types

Type Sample JSON
    "abstract": "this is an abstract type"