Full Payment upon Demand
Payment made when a single milestone is reached
This is a one-time full payment clause applicable on demand.
Payment made when a single milestone is reached
After execution of this Agreement, "Dan" shall pay the full purchase price to "Jerome" in the amount of 3.14 EUR upon demand by "Jerome".
After execution of this Agreement, "Dan" shall pay the full purchase price to "Jerome" in the amount of 3.14 EUR upon demand by "Jerome".
After execution of this Agreement, {{buyer}} shall pay the full purchase price to {{seller}} in the amount of {{value}} upon demand by {{seller}}.
"$class": "org.accordproject.payment.fullupondemand.FullPaymentUponDemandTemplate",
"buyer": "resource:org.accordproject.party.Party#Dan",
"seller": "resource:org.accordproject.party.Party#Jerome",
"value": {
"$class": "org.accordproject.money.MonetaryAmount",
"doubleValue": 3.14,
"currencyCode": "EUR"
"contractId": "d3b7e05a-d889-4604-b4bf-3c72eb773d4c",
"$identifier": "d3b7e05a-d889-4604-b4bf-3c72eb773d4c"
namespace org.accordproject.payment.fullupondemand
import org.accordproject.contract.* from https://models.accordproject.org/accordproject/contract.cto
import org.accordproject.party.* from https://models.accordproject.org/accordproject/party.cto
import org.accordproject.runtime.* from https://models.accordproject.org/accordproject/runtime.cto
import org.accordproject.obligation.* from https://models.accordproject.org/accordproject/obligation.cto
import org.accordproject.money.MonetaryAmount from https://models.accordproject.org/money@0.2.0.cto
import org.accordproject.payment.PaymentReceived from https://models.accordproject.org/payment/payment@0.2.0.cto
// Template model
asset FullPaymentUponDemandTemplate extends Contract {
--> Party buyer
--> Party seller
o MonetaryAmount value
// Request
transaction PaymentDemand extends Request {
asset FullPaymentUponDemandState extends State {
o ContractLifecycleStatus status default = "INITIALIZED"
enum ContractLifecycleStatus {
Find the full logic for this template on on GitHub.
Type | Sample JSON |
org.accordproject.payment.fullupondemand.FullPaymentUponDemandState |
Type | Sample JSON |
org.accordproject.payment.fullupondemand.PaymentDemand |
org.accordproject.payment.PaymentReceived |
Type | Sample JSON |
org.accordproject.runtime.Response |
Type | Sample JSON |
concerto.Event |
org.accordproject.obligation.PaymentObligation |
Please refer to the Accord Project documentation for how to use a template or integrate it within your application.
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