Template empty@0.5.1

Clause ^0.12.0 8f5e3de8bba5a2f537a5834226578a7c05f52338b982d392f1db797f5964387b

This is an empty clause template to get you started.

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Empty clause template

This is an empty clause template to get you started.


            # Write your clause template here


Model Dependencies

Technical Integration

Please refer to the Cicero documentation for details and examples of how to integrate a call to a Cicero template into your application.

View the Latest code for this template on on GitHub.

Sample Instance

    "$class": "org.accordproject.empty.EmptyClause",
    "clauseId": "57b48fc1-45ac-461e-ba49-a69965376623"

State Types

Type Sample JSON
    "$class": "org.accordproject.cicero.contract.AccordContractState",
    "stateId": "1bdf0bc1-8942-11e9-b9ba-87d1cf618bec"

Request Types

Type Sample JSON
    "$class": "org.accordproject.empty.EmptyRequest",
    "transactionId": "1bdee4b0-8942-11e9-b9ba-87d1cf618bec",
    "timestamp": "2019-06-07T12:34:23.995-04:00"

Response Types

Type Sample JSON
    "$class": "org.accordproject.empty.EmptyResponse",
    "transactionId": "1bdf0bc0-8942-11e9-b9ba-87d1cf618bec",
    "timestamp": "2019-06-07T12:34:23.996-04:00"

Events Types

Type Sample JSON
    "abstract": "this is an abstract type"