Contact Information

contact-information@0.3.0 Clause ^0.22.0 97681a79e7ae131398976bf44cce647b0dbea920d2d31947e9291cdbbeefc720

Gather contact information

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This is a template to gather high-level information about a person (contact).

Template Text

Name: "Jane Doe"

Title: "CIO"

Email: ""

Phone: "123-456-789"

Time Zone: America_New_York

Communication preference: EMAIL

Name: "Jane Doe"

Title: "CIO"

Email: ""

Phone: "123-456-789"

Time Zone: America_New_York

Communication preference: EMAIL
Name: {{name}}

Title: {{title}}

Email: {{email}}

Phone: {{phone}}

Time Zone: {{timezone}}

Communication preference: {{communicationChannel}}
    "$class": "org.accordproject.contactinformation.ContactInformation",
    "name": "Jane Doe",
    "title": "CIO",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "123-456-789",
    "timezone": "America_New_York",
    "communicationChannel": "EMAIL",
    "clauseId": "98572e66-a7bc-44c1-a7b7-14f32e832da6",
    "$identifier": "98572e66-a7bc-44c1-a7b7-14f32e832da6"

Template Model

namespace org.accordproject.contactinformation

import org.accordproject.contract.* from
import org.accordproject.runtime.* from
import org.accordproject.timezone.TimeZone from

enum CommunicationChannel {
    o EMAIL
    o PHONE

asset ContactInformation extends Clause {
    o String name
    o String title
    o String email
    o String phone
    o TimeZone timezone
    o CommunicationChannel communicationChannel

Model Dependencies

Template Logic

Find the full logic for this template on on GitHub.

State Types

Type Sample JSON

Request Types

Type Sample JSON

Response Types

Type Sample JSON

Events Types

Type Sample JSON

Technical Integration

Please refer to the Accord Project documentation for how to use a template or integrate it within your application.

View the Latest code for this template on GitHub.