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Template acceptance-of-delivery@0.0.3

This clause allows the receiver of goods to inspect them for a given time period after delivery.

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Model Dependencies

  • None


Acceptance of Delivery. "Party A" will be deemed to have completed its delivery obligations if in "Party B"'s opinion, the "Widgets" satisfies the Acceptance Criteria, and "Party B" notifies "Party A" in writing that it is accepting the "Widgets".

Inspection and Notice. "Party A" will have 10 Business Days' to inspect and evaluate the "Widgets" on the delivery date before notifying "Party A" that it is either accepting or rejecting the "Widgets".

Acceptance Criteria. The "Acceptance Criteria" are the specifications the "Widgets" must meet for the "Party A" to comply with its requirements and obligations under this agreement, detailed in "Attachment X", attached to this agreement.


Acceptance of Delivery

This is a smart legal clause that conforms to the Accord Protocol Template Specification, the protocol is managed by the open-source community of the Accord Project. The clause can be parsed and executed by the Cicero engine.


This clause allows the receiver of goods to inspect them for a given time period after delivery.

This clause contains:

Running this clause

On your own machine

  1. Download the Cicero template library

  2. Unzip the library with your favourite tool

  3. Then from the command-line, change the current directory to the folder containing this file.

cd acceptance-of-delivery
  1. With the Cicero command-line tool:
cicero execute --template ./ --sample ./sample.txt --request ./request.json --state ./state.json

Note, all of the command-line flags (like --template) are optional.

Alternatively you can use the simpler command below if you want to use all of the default files.

cicero execute

You should see the following output in your terminal:

mattmbp:acceptance-of-delivery matt$ cicero execute
18:22:38 - info: Logging initialized. 2018-05-15T22:22:38.131Z
18:22:38 - info: Using current directory as template folder
18:22:38 - info: Loading a default sample.txt file.
18:22:38 - info: Loading a single default request.json file.
18:22:38 - info: Loading a default state.json file.
18:22:38 - info: {"clause":"acceptance-of-delivery@0.0.3-e407ff0a315c5b1c267677edbda49a32d4e9ef890ad21a3e40b3bc110d06c88c","request":{"$class":"org.accordproject.acceptanceofdelivery.InspectDeliverable","deliverableReceivedAt":"January 1, 2018 16:34:00","inspectionPassed":true},"response":{"$class":"org.accordproject.acceptanceofdelivery.InspectionResponse","status":"OUTSIDE_INSPECTION_PERIOD","shipper":"resource:org.hyperledger.composer.system.Participant#Party%20A","receiver":"resource:org.hyperledger.composer.system.Participant#Party%20B","transactionId":"faacef8f-c0b2-4d9f-911f-007aa98a1c1d","timestamp":"2018-05-15T22:22:38.869Z"},"state":{"$class":"org.accordproject.common.ContractState","stateId":"org.accordproject.common.ContractState#1"},"emit":[]}

Sample Payload Data

Request, as in request.json

    "deliverableReceivedAt": "January 1, 2018 16:34:00",
    "inspectionPassed": true

For the request above, you should see the following response:


Testing this clause

This clause comes with an automated test that ensures that it executes correctly under different conditions. To test the clause, complete the following steps.

You need npm and node to test a clause. You can download both from here.

This clause was tested with Node v8.9.3 and NPM v5.6.0

From the acceptance-of-delivery directory.

  1. Install all of the dependencies.
npm install
  1. Run the tests
npm test

If successful, you should see the following output

mattmbp:acceptance-of-delivery matt$ npm test

> acceptance-of-delivery@0.0.3 test /Users/matt/dev/accordproject/cicero-template-library/acceptance-of-delivery
> mocha

21:57:31 - info: Logging initialized. 2018-02-17T21:57:31.074Z

      ✓ passed inspection within time limit
      ✓ failed inspection within time limit
      ✓ inspection outside time limit
      ✓ inspection before delivable should throw

  4 passing (458ms)